Sardinia To Menorca

After leaving the boat in the marina at Porto Torres the owner had since moved the boat to St Augusta further north east as the boat had been chartered for a week.  The boat needed to be moved again over to Menorca and at nearly 300 nautical miles it was going to be two over nighters. Some new crew arrived and after provisioning and refuelling we set off in the afternoon.

The crossing was drama free and with virtually no wind i can’t remember the sails ever going up !!

Our destination was Fornells on the north side of Menorca. It is a large natural well protected harbour known for its sailing holidays.

View across Fornells from the fort –

Fornells Menorca

I had a few days on the boat at anchor by myself. Fornells is a small town but has plenty of restaurants and a couple of bars to go to. Theres a small fort at the entrance of the harbour that is open to the public.  At only just over a Euro to gain entry its worth the small amount of time it takes to tour around !!

Views from the area around the fort –

Fornells in the evening –

Fornells old town –

We left Fornells to sail around Menorca, sadly with virtually no wind it was motoring again !

A lot of the coastline of Menorca is rugged with few places to stop. Every few miles you find a small inlet but unless the get there by midday its normally already full with boats !

One of the stops on the south side of the island –

A couple more people arrived for a few days and with some wind predicted we set sail for Menorca.

Off to Majorca –

With good wind on the beam we averaged 8 knots and a few hours later we arrived in Menorca.  It was the last stop for me as i had to head home, a quick bus ride and i was at the airport, and a few hours later arrived at home.

Got to love the fact that you can get home within a few hours when you are in the Med !!

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